For the ongoing series ‘History and Legends of Golf’, I researched and published articles on John Ball Jr and Horace Hutchinson, which hopefully you have read and enjoyed!!
Within and across both articles, there were implicit (and at times explicit) threads of golfing connectivity…a sort of family tree linking golfers rather than by consanguinity (blood relationships). Post-publication I had this recurring thought that there was the potential to develop a ‘stand-alone’ article on the theme of golfing connections but absolutely no idea on its topology.
And then, almost with the rapidity of a Kaleidoscope, the hitherto jumbled thoughts assembled into the:
‘6 Degrees of Golfer Separation’
By comparison to the aforementioned articles on Ball and Hutchinson, this article is definitely a much shorter read…for the most part much lighter in tone…and reader participation is actively encouraged!!
Hope you enjoy.
Six Degrees of Separation
So that we are all on the same tee…
In 1929, the Hungarian author Frigyes Karinthy published the short story ‘Chains’ which developed a hypothesis through the means of a game that any 2 individuals in the world can be connected in no more than six steps.
In 1990, this concept was popularised by the American playwright John Guare who wrote the award-winning play ‘Six Degrees of Separation’, which further explored the theory that we are all connected by no more than six acquaintances.
In 1994, the Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon said during an interview to promote a movie that he had:
“worked with everybody in Hollywood or someone who’s worked with them”

This ‘off the cuff’ remark resulted in some students from Albright College, Pennsylvania inventing the game ‘Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon’ where the objective is to link any actor to Kevin Bacon through no more than six connections (two actors are connected if they have appeared in a movie or commercial together).
Example A ~ Tom Hanks and Kevin Bacon were in the movie ‘Apollo 13’…thus Tom Hanks has a 1 degree of separation.
Example B ~ Al Pacino and Jack Lemmon were in the movie ‘Glengarry Glen Ross’…Jack Lemmon and Kevin Bacon were in the movie ‘JFK’…thus Al Pacino has 2 degrees of separation.
Today, in 2020, Golfing Herald attempts to further popularise (or not as the case may be!!) this concept with ‘6 Degrees of Golfer Separation’, illustrated by employing myself as the (separation) guinea pig.
Degrees of Separation from…Tiger Woods
Why Tiger Woods? Since the Official Golf World Rankings started in 1986, Tiger Woods has spent far more weeks (683) ranked #1 in the world than any other golfer. So for that reason alone, I will provide a (worked) illustration for the degrees of golfing separation between myself and Tiger Woods (where two golfers are connected only if they have played golf together).

Separation 1 ~ In 2019, I had the pleasure of playing in a Pro-Am at Dore & Totley Golf Club, Sheffield, England with former European Tour Player Ben Mason.
Separation 2 ~ Apologies in advance Ben, but in the 1998 Amateur Championship at Muirfield, Ben was defeated in the semi-finals by Craig Williams.
Separation 3 ~ In the subsequent 1998 Amateur Championship final, Craig Williams was defeated by Sergio Garcia.
Separation 4 ~ Sergio Garcia and Tiger Woods have played golf together on many occasions.
Thus, I have 4 degrees of separation from Tiger Woods!!
Degrees of Separation from…Seve Ballesteros
Why Seve Ballesteros? I asked my (non-golfing) better half to shout out the name of the first golfer that sprung to mind. Her immediate response was “Seve Ballesteros”…I can’t think why!!

So for that reason, I will now illustrate the degrees of golfing separation between myself and the late and much-missed Seve Ballesteros.
Separation 1 ~ I know I don’t look old enough!!…but as a junior golfer back in the mid-seventies I played a number of rounds with David Whelan, who as a junior played golf at a totally different level to the rest of us mere mortals (today he is world-renowned golf coach out in the United States).
Separation 2 ~ Surprisingly, David only won once on the European Tour and that came during his first year on the Tour in 1988 when he won the Barcelona Open after a 4 man playoff…a playoff which included Nick Faldo.
Separation 3 ~ Nick Faldo and Seve Ballesteros played golf together on many occasions.
Thus, I have 3 degrees of separation from Seve Ballesteros!!
Your Shot
In the spirit of this article, it would be brilliant if some of the Golfing Herald readers were to kindly share their degrees of separation from Tiger Woods or A.N.Other golfer (nominated by a partner, friend, work colleague, etc.) or both via:
- the comments section below
- the Contact page on this website
- a Direct Message (DM) on Twitter to Golfing Herald
Over to you…
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